Sunday, September 20, 2009

So, what does the rest of the world do on Sundays? During NASCAR season, it's race day for us most of the time.
I remember as a small kid, we'd get up & go to church & then go to my MawMaw Alice's for lunch. She always had a big spread & all her kids & grandkids would be there.
Once mom married Billy, Sundays would be different each week for me. It usually always would be church & then Sunday lunch at one of the grandparents home.
Once my girls are married & with kids, *if that's the route they choose as adults*, I'd like to have that tradition. One day out of the week is a day at my home. I hope I don't alienate my girls when they get older & make them not want to come home to visit, LOL.
I used to think I wanted a family like the Waltons. I've since changed my mind. LOL..After having Elizabeth & Victoria only 14 months apart and dealing w/2 toddlers, I don't think I could handle them living at home as adults w/their children as well, haha. I still would love to have a little boy, but unless I come up w/thousands of dollars for untying my tubes, won't happen. The drs. said that it wouldn't matter, that after 3 c-sections, that no doctor would take me on as a patient. I kind of find that hard to believe. I bet if I had enough money, I could find a doctor that would take me as a 4-time c-section. I'd need to get in TOP shape & condition 1st though. I don't even know why I'm ramblin' about that though, I don't think I could handle another child. I have my hands full now!!
I got up this morning & made homemade pancakes for me & the girls. Ken wanted grilled ham/cheese, so that's what he had. I've done a load of laundry. This was only cuz Victoria vomited on the sheets, or laundry would have been put off til tomorrow. If she smells something nasty, she will either gag or actually vomit. Elizabeth had pooped her diaper & V got a whiff while they were jumping on the bed. I hope V marries a man that can handle changing stinkies & cleaning up nasty messes cuz I don't think V could handle it, haha..unless she outgrows it. I'll be soooo glad when Elizabeth quits pooping her panties! I don't know what's up w/that either. She NEVER pees her panties, but for some reason, she still hasn't got the hang of going to stinky in the toilet. She's done a few times, but overall..I still have to clean poop! I've tried MANY different things to encourage her, but we are hitting brick walls!
Well, it's lap 109 of 300 and Juan Pablo Montoya is still in the lead. He started the race with the pole position. COME ON, Ryan Newman! lol..he's running in the 9th position right now.
The rain has finally stopped here in TX. Yesterday, the sun popped out & we've had 2 days of sunshine! YAY!! Now, if it will only drop to about 60 degrees w/sunshine...PERFECT! haha!
Ken has gone to the auto parts store right now. The girls are running around playing. I pulled the mattresses off their beds & they are having a grand time jumping on them in the livingroom! Ken's been getting his work truck back in tip top shape since being laid off work. He's decided to start his own business. He's gonna get his truck running & looking good and then start doing his own thing. This is a move we should have done a long time ago instead of working for the "man" LOL..
I guess that's all the ramblin' I have for right now. Take care til later folks!

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