Friday, September 18, 2009

Control Freaks

I have an opinion concerning getting angry & letting it show. We've seen in the news about Serena Williams losing her cool w/line judge. I personally, wasn't offended by this nor do I think she should have to pay such a huge fine. Sure, she said some things that were mean & rude, but come on..she was pissed! I think we should be allowed to lose our cool sometimes. Granted, some places aren't the place to just go off. I still believe in some decorum, haha. Sport matches..let 'em lose it & then allow them to come back the next day & say "yep, I lost my temper & said things I shouldn't, I'm sorry" Now, the outburst of "you lie" to the US President..naw..that wasn't the time nor place. He could use other venues after the fact to voice his opinion.
I'm gonna let ya in on a little secret...Ken & I sometimes SCREAM at each other, LOL! I think that it's healthy for us to let loose on one another now & then. We don't get violent, but we do holler. We both will forget in just a matter of 10 min. what we were hollering about, most of the time, haha. I know with Ken, I can holler & not be afraid of getting smacked for my opinion and I think that us being able to vent now & then is healthy. When we 1st married, my mom wasn't quite used to Ken. She had to learn that he says what he thinks & he calls people on their actions. I have learned to do this. If I see someone doing something stupid, I'm gonna tell 'em. If they get mad..oh well, it's something we have to deal with. I no longer just let things slide so I don't hurt someone's feelings. I don't want to intentionally hurt feelings. I know how to be tactful to let someone know that yeah..maybe yer actions are a bit retarded. These little white lies..I hate 'em. I'm gonna use an example..someone made a cobbler for Mom & Billy once. It tasted horrible. Instead of just saying "something didn't taste right w/ur cobbler". They lied & said it was good. Now this person that made the cobbler, will go make more like it thinking it's so good. You know, they might have added a wrong spice thinking it was something else. They need to know it wasn't good so they can look back & see what might have been wrong. If you don't tell 'em..they're gonna keep bringing you nasty cobbler for you to have to just chunk! Why not be honest & next time get something good to eat, LOL..Let's just be honest!! We can do this w/o being mean & spiteful.
It's the same way w/anger. It's ok to get angry now & then. Sure, we might have to say I'm sorry later, but if we aren't allowed to vent now & then, someone might actually get a ball shoved down their throat!
Just my 2 cents worth of ramblin'!

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhhhh I get to be the first one to leave you a comment. :-)
    I love getting comments, I guess you can tell by me saying that I don't get a ton, haha!
